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  • Opinion: EV Charging Solutions for Commercial Parking Sites

    An Australian Perspective on Electric Vehicle Infrastructure

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    Electric vehicles have become increasingly popular and this trend is likely to continue. The fact that the government is starting to take an interest in boosting electrical car usage reflects this trend. Of course, the Australian government could do a lot more, such as provide financial support for the purchase of electric vehicles.

    It doesn’t matter how long the process takes, the ultimate objective remains, for all vehicles to be electrically powered. The simple fact is that fossil fuels are limited and electrical vehicles are the future. That’s a pretty good incentive to invest in an EV charging station, but it’s not the only reason:

    Competitive Car Parking

    There is a limited number of car parking spaces in every Australian city, but the number of cars on the road is increasing every year. That’s driving process for parking upward and forcing people to find alternative parking options.

    One of the best currently available, whether you’re looking for parking in Brisbane City or Sydney, is to use Parkhound and find private spaces for lease. These usually have better security, are less likely to see your car damaged, and potentially closer to where you need to be. They are also considerably cheaper.

    EV charging

    EV charging can bring customers

    In order to stay competitive and attract available customers, all parking facilities are going to need to consider EV charging solutions. This allows people with electric vehicles to park them and charge them while they go to work, shop or undertake any other activity.

    It doesn’t matter if you’re a commercial car park or a private individual offering your space, you need to have electrical charging facilities.

    Additional Profits

    You’ll have noticed that many places offer free charging for an hour; this is to entice the customer in. But, a vehicle cannot normally be fully charged within an hour. If they are using the space all day, they’ll want to have their vehicle fully charged.

    You can set the price for charging their vehicle. Providing you set this higher than the actual cost you can increase your profit. Of course, you’ll need to be broadly inline with other charging points, but you don’t need to offer free charging. Electric vehicle charging points are still very limited.

    Adding even a couple can make a significant difference to your profits. You can even take it a step further and invest in solar panels, reducing the long-term cost of providing the electricity and effectively boosting profits even further.

    More Publicity

    Apple maps

    Having parking & charging
    can put you on the map

    When you have an electrical charging point, your parking spot will be added to the local maps, helping drivers to find you. As there are limited electric vehicle charging points and a gradual increase in those needing them, you’ll find this helps to attract customers to your facility.

    It doesn’t matter if you’re a commercial car park or an individual leasing your parking space, an electric vehicle charging point is low maintenance and can boost your profit significantly.

    Interconnected Business

    It’s a fact that electric vehicle drivers will look for an electrical charging point. They will then choose where to shop and eat based on where they are parked. This gives you the opportunity to connect with local businesses and earn extra revenue or get yourself a discount on their goods. In return, you simply promote them to your electric car drivers.

    Keeping It Smart

    You may be concerned regarding the additional power drain and whether your current systems can handle it. This shouldn’t be a concern as smart charging meters balance the power to ensure there is no issue.

    With no maintenance and a comprehensive manufacturer’s warranty, installing an electric vehicle charging station will boost your image and profits while quickly paying for itself.

  • Feature: Summer Road Trip on Sunshine Now Possible

    Solar-Powered Fast Charger Installed for True Zero Emission Driving

    The vision of true zero emission transportation sounds simple. Produce your electricity from solar or wind sources and use it to power a fully electric car. Getting to that to happen in the real world is more difficult, but a main highway in California is leading the way.

    Envision Solar EV ARC solar charger

    Charging on sunshine on the road

    The San Luis Obispo Air Pollution Control District and Caltrans partnered with Envision Solar to set up a solar-powered DC fast-charging system at a rest area on California Highway 46, a main east-west highway connected the Central Coast with the San Joaquin Valley. Envision Solar’s EV ARC system was installed at the Shandon rest area, near the junction of Highways 41 and 46, famous as the area where James Dean met his end in a fatal car crash.

    Because the Envision Solar system doesn’t require any grid upgrade, it’s ideal for remote locations like this rest stop, where it can offer EV drivers the opportunity for a quick recharge. The system draws the majority of its power from the sun and was deployed with minimal construction costs since it’s a self-contained unit. The EV ARC can be deployed without trenching, foundations or any kind of installation.

    Each individual unit in the Shandon deployment (which includes four units) has a six-kilowatt panel fed by the sun from a tracking array on top of the unit. Electricity is stored for use when needed. The tracking solar panel can generate 25 percent more electricity than a fixed array.

    A similar deployment can be found on the side of U.S. Highway 101 north of San Luis Obispo at another rural rest stop. Envision Solar now has more than 100 customers for its products. The company has found a home with public and private electric fleets around the country and is expected to continue to grow, according to CEO Desmond Wheatley.

    Game Changer Product Next

    Wheatley added that the company’s game changer product just received a patent this year. Called the EV Standard, the product could be seen as a replacement streetlamp—or a new way to provide light and electric power.

    Envision Solar EV Standard

    EV Standard Up Next

    Wheatley sees the EV Standard as the “transformational” tool that can provide ubiquitous charging for those who don’t have access home or work charging—or just need a boost while out and about. It combines solar, wind and utility-generated electricity in a bank of integrated batteries. Wheatley said most existing streetlamps don’t carry the capacity to provide a real charge for an EV without a substantial upgrade, but the EV Standard with its additional power sources and storage will be able to do the job.   

    The EV Standard comes with a state-of-the-art high-lumens, low-consumption LED light and will provide Level 2 charging. Most of the juice for charging will come from the wind and solar part of the system. In the same way the EV ARC found a home in emergency services, the EV Standard also will be capable of providing lighting and power to IoT-connected devices, even if the grid is down.    

    The EV Standard product promises to supply the volume that’s so important to the growth of a small public company like Envision Solar. Wheatley hinted that more is coming soon from the company as part of a rebranding move, so stay tune for the next chapter that may be bringing solar power and EV charging to a streetlamp near you.

    Story by Michael Coates

    Photos from Envision Solar

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